Monday, April 18, 2011

Top 10 Ways To Get Yourself Ready For A Monday

Top Ten Ways to Get Yourself Ready for a Monday
By Mark Felice
1. Look in the mirror and yell "Someone has a case of the Mondays!"
2. Jump in a bathtub full of ice; cure your hypothermia, then go to school
3. Eat ten bowls of sugar
4. Create a time machine and move backward or forward through time. It's definitely easier than handling another Monday
5. Sleep in until Tuesday
6. Move to Paraguay, they don't have Mondays
7. Catch a Leprechaun; they always know how to handle those Mondays
8. Hey Monday you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind...
9. Make up your own religion where Monday is the Sabbath
10. Create a peition to change the name to "Funday"

Now that you are motivated get training and/or fundraising!

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