Monday, February 27, 2012

2012 Triathlon Season is HERE!

Welcome to the start of the 2012 Triathlon season and most importantly our 5th year of fundraising for the Mark Felice Childhood Cancer Fund!

The past 4 years have been amazing and we have raised over $18,000!
This year our goal is to raise $5,000! This year the Felice family will be matching every dollar we raise!!

Our TRI-ing For A Cause team will compete in the Cap Tex Tri on May 28th (Memorial Day) as our main TRI. If you can't do that one we will also be participating in the Austin Triathlon (Labor Day) and/or the Kerrville Triathlon (late September)!

Each year we have asked for donations and support as we competed in triathlons; for this we are truly grateful. This year we hope to have the same support as well as more participants and volunteers. I understand many of you can't fathom doing a triathlon (or another one), but you don't have to do a triathlon to help with the Mark Felice Childhood Cancer Fund.

We plan to move from a seasonal fundraising time frame to a yearly effort. With this there are many job roles and ways to help raise funds. We could use your help to come up with some other fundraising ideas (dinners, golf event, karaoke fundraiser, party for a cause, raffles, auction, insert your amazing idea here)! It doesn't have to be just for the triathlon. If you do want to participate in a triathlon, then that is great!

Fundraising Happy Hour: March 21st! TBD
Cap Tex Tri and After Party: May 28th! We will have the triathlon after party at the Felice's home for swimming, burgers and just some good fun!