Monday, May 23, 2011

TRI-ing For A Cause AFTER PARTY!

Only 1 week until the Cap Tex Triathlon! As of TODAY we have raised $4,200!! With only $800 more to go to reach our goal of $5,000 its amazing to see how far we have come and the fabulous support we have received!

Come Monday, May 30th, we would love all the support we can get if you would like to come out and cheer us on at the race. The race for the Sprint distance will begin around 9am. If you have a TRI-ing For A Cause t-shirt (from any year) please feel free to wear it. Before the race we usually gather by the Stevie Ray Vaughan statue so be on the look out for us!

Triathletes to look for:

Triathlete Start Time
Lauren Felice  9:06 AM
Ann Francese  9:06 AM
Ann Marie Francese  9:10 AM
Renee Francese  9:10 AM
Christina Thompson  9:14 AM
Tom Francese  9:26 AM
Matt Lockwood
Jamie Lim
 9:46 AM
 9:46 AM
Collin Baker  9:46 AM

After the triathlon we will be celebrating and would like to thank you for all of your support while training and fundraising for the Mark Felice Childhood Cancer Fund.

For more details on the after party please click here!

For more details on watching the Cap Tex Tri please click here!

We hope to see you at the race or at the after party! Thank you for all of your support! We couldn't have done this without you!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Skeese Greets Wrap Up

To begin I would like to say as of today we have raised: $3,000!

This past Sunday we competed in the Skeese Greets Triathlon! It was a beautiful day thanks to the cloud coverage and we all had a great race! This race is always a fun one but the anxiety and nerves really get pumping since it's the first race of the season for us. The past 3 years we have had mixed feelings about it (smelly well water, rough terrain, unpredictable heat) but this year was the first year we just took it for what it is...a fun short race to get you excited about the next one! My mom and dad had biked 100 miles the day before in the Ride to Shiner so no need to push it considering it was Mother's Day and my mom's birthday!

The past 4 years my sister and I have been in the same age group for this race so we always get to start together. The first year was a bit emotional as we walked into the water on the verge of a panic attack saying, "This is for Mark," causing us to begin the swim with tears in our eyes looking back at our mom on the shoreline. Every year we start the race acknowledging Mark and the fact that I won't see my sister until the very last mile on the run (because she is a rock star swimmer and cyclist). Each year we have competed together in the Skeese Greets Triathlon we have started and finished together which is an amazing feeling getting to cross the finish line together. This year is the last year we got to do this as she will be moving up to the next age group. Now I mentioned how my mom had biked 100 miles the day before...well even though she was exhausted she was still able to get 3rd place in her age group! She truly is Super Mom!

We all had a great time and can't wait for the Cap Tex Tri on May 30th! We are well on our way to reaching our fundraising goal and appreciate the support and donations along the way!